Dear foreign players of Juggernaut, the Inquisition welcomes you to our server! Please keep in mind that this server is Russian-speaking and most of our players speak Russian language only. At the moment, for your convenience, the communication between the players in chat and forum is allowed in languages other than Russian. However, we would appreciate if you could use translators from your native language to Russian (there are a lot of them on the web) to communicate with other players in our main chat and forum and, if it's possible, to communicate with your friends in languages other than Russian in private chats. We would also like to remind you that any form of abuse, inappropriate language (profanity) and links to other resources are prohibited and punished according to the rules of the game.
If you have any question regarding the game process, please address them in this topic. The Inquisition and the Educators will do their best to make the game comfortable for you. This topic is written in English as most of the moderators and foreign players can understand it.
For all Russian-speaking players of the server, we ask not to flood in this topic, please do not create any conflict situations and treat the foreign players that do not understand Russian with respect. (с) krista5
Для всего русскоязычного населения сервера, настоятельно рекомендую отказаться от флуда в данной теме, не создавать конфликтных ситуаций и отнестись с пониманием к игрокам не говорящим на русском языке. Флуд будет удаляться и наказываться
Фрид если на тебя не жалуются ты плохо работаешь! (с) Борец со сном