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    Jeneral rules of the project
    19:25, 11 дек 2015

    Here you will find general rules of Juggernaut about things we punish.
    This translation is made by a non-specialist so we apologize for further mistakes.

    Запрещённая информация в имени персонажа
    Illegal information in the name of the character

    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after nickname changing.

    Запрещённая информация в анкете персонажа, имени питомца или спутника, названиях боев и в комментариях к сохраненным боям
    Illegal information in character’s personal list, illegal names of pets or companions, etc.

    Rough expressions;
    The mention of drugs and methods for their use;
    Descriptions of sexual relations;
    Links or any information on other projects;
    Penalty: 5 days bane "Mask of Shame" with the possibility of amnesty for 1000 per day.

    Запрещённая информация в подписях к подаркам и в письмах
    Illegal information in gifts and letters.

    Rough and taboo expressions, topics about sex;
    Threats of violence in real life, or abusive statements about relatives of the recipient, as well as insulting statements about nationality, religion, gender, sexual preference, or political opinion.
    Penalty: 5 days bane "Mask of Shame" with the possibility of amnesty for 1000 per day. Repeating will increase the time of bane.


    Fraud in order to get the password from the account;
    Cracking the characters;
    Distribution links to resources of characters breaking.
    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 200 brilliants or other assigned by administration.

    Передача логинов и паролей в чужие руки
    Transfer logins and passwords into the third hands

    In the game playing one character by two or more people prohibited.
    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 10000 gold for transferred personage. Penalty for new (or temporary) owner-personage is 1000 gold.

    Использование сторонних программ
    Using sided software for trade and advertisement, production of game resources, battles.

    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 400 brilliants or other assigned by administration. Repeating will increase the size of penalty.

    Боевая прокачка персонажа
    PVP battles leveling

    Participation the battle several characters from one computer;
    Participation battles with agreed final.
    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 5000 gold and confiscation of all illegally obtained statistics and objects.

    Использование ошибок игры и распространение информации об ошибках
    Using game errors and the dissemination of information about errors

    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 10000 gold and confiscation of all illegally obtained statistics and objects. Repeating will increase penalty to 300 brilliants or other assigned by administration.

    Обман, мошенничество, вымогательство
    Deception, fraud, extortion

    Cheating to gain or sell things by laying about its characteristics or value;
    Failure to return the rented item;
    In instances: cheating other players after agreement in the chat (when agreement confirmed by Inquisition).
    Penalty: from 10 to 30 days bane "The Mask of Shame" with confiscation of all illegally obtained objects.

    Введение в заблуждение, клевета, сокрытие информации
    Disinformation, defamation, withholding of information (with participation or mentioning Inquisition or Administration of project).

    Penalty: from 10 to 20 days bane "The Mask of Shame"

    Нарушение предписаний Инквизиции по договору сделки
    Violation of deal regulations, approved by Inquisition

    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 5000 gold and confiscation objects and/or gold in a size wrote in deal.

    Проверка по делу о финансовых махинациях и взломах
    Violations checking

    Penalty: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame".

    Нападение на представителей Инквизиции
    Attacking Inquisition members by scrolls

    Penalty: 10 bane "The Mask of Shame". Repeating will increase the time of bane.

    Использование вторичного персонажа для обхода игровых ограничений
    Using a secondary character for storage, PVE battles, bypassing banes etc.

    Registration more than one personage is prohibited.
    The penalty for secondary character: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 100 brilliants.
    The penalty for main character: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 2000 gold.

    Финансовая прокачка
    Financial fraud

    Transaction from one personage to other more than a certain sum of his golds (including gold) till all playing time via all ways. Players have 10 days to return goods or pay for them (does not work in a case of transaction between players from one computer).
    The penalty for recipient: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying summary of all received goods.
    The penalty for donor: perpetual bane "The Mask of Shame" with the possibility of an amnesty after paying 5000 gold.

    Операции на чёрном рынке
    Black market

    Trying to sell/buy game resources or characters for real money.
    Penalty: perpetual curse of "The Mask of Shame" without the possibility of an amnesty.

    Деструктивные действия
    Destructive Actions

    The penalty appointed by the Administration of the game.

  • 19:40, 11 дек 2015 
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    More about Financial fraud

    We have some popular questions about Financual fraud (Финансовая прокачка / Денежно вещевая прокачка (ДВП).
    So, main positions to know.

    Financial fraud is a violation between 2 personages.

    1). If they are players from 1 computer, especially twinks, no transactions between them are allowed. So you will be banned with any sum of transaction.

    2). If they are independent players, each of them has own “value”. This value is a sum of the gold and all objects, that player can sell on auction. Objects that you cannot transfer to other personage have no value. All prices are also taken from auction - not from object description!
    So, 2 personage has their 2 values, one is bigger, other one is less. You can also transfer bigger sum, but you have to return it in 10 days. In all other cases you can be banned.

    For more than a 10-day period, once in a year (365 days), you can transfer from one character to another withput any pay-back a sum of:
    2000 - for 6-15
    6000 - for levels 16-25
    12000 - for levels 26-34
    15000 - for level 35

    The level considered is the lowest level of the characters.

    When you want to give someone money as a debt for more that the 10-days period - consult the Inquisition how to do it without problems or penalties!
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